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Product Description

ESBE VRG131/133 Valves

  • Superb regulation for highest performance.
  • Lowest internal leakage on the market (< 0,05%).
  • Compact, flexible and easy to install.
  • Long lasting and high durability.
  • Perfect match between the valve and ESBE actuators.

The ESBE VRG131 Valves are 3-way valves suitable for mixing or diverting operation. The valves are made of high-performing brass allowing use in heating and cooling installations. The VRG series is available in DN15-50 and comes with different types of connections to suit most pipe dimensions. The valve is perfectly combined with ESBE actuators and controllers.


Product Code

ESBE 1½ Inch VRG131 Mixing Valve

Product Code 49213115

Internal Thread