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20th October 2021

We at Secon are pleased to announce that we have won the award for Heat Pump Distributor of the Year 2021. This has been a huge team effort by everybody within the company to constantly strive to provide a high level of service and support to our customers.

We would like to give a big thank you to all our customers who continue to support us and we will strive to evolve our business in an ever changing market to meet your product and service needs in the future.

We have chosen well with the manufacturers we use and over the years have built great working relationships where mutual support has proven to be very beneficial to all. We aim to continue developing these working relationships in the future so we can ensure we constantly improve our offer and service to our customers.

Once again, I would like to thank everybody who works with and alongside us and look forward to many more successful years for all,

Kevin Carling

MD Secon